„Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy - national vice-champion in armwrestling among universities
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy won the 2nd place at the National University Armwrestling Championship 2022, 3rd edition, organized by the Federation of Student Sports and Veterans of Sports of Moldova and the National Armwrestling Federation of the Republic of Moldova on November 12, 2022.
10 universities and about 60 students participated in the competition.
Nicolae Testemitanu University was represented by 12 students, who obtained the following results:
Nicoleta Bodrug, fourth-year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, Preventive Medicine specialty, senior category – 65 kg – 1st place, both arms;
Cristian Renta, fourth-year student, Faculty of Stomatology, senior category - 95 kg - 1st place, left arm and 2nd place, right arm;
Karipp Faiha Musthafa, first-year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 2, senior category +65 kg – second place, both arms;
Ion Tripadus, third-year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, senior category - 95 kg - second place, left arm and third place, right arm;
Alina Anand, fourth-year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 2, senior category +65 kg – third place, both arms;
Victor Antir, second year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, senior category +95 kg – third place, left arm;
Cristian Ceban, second year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, senior category – 65 kg – fourth place, left arm;
Catalin Ceban, second year student, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, senior category – 65 kg – fifth place, left arm.
The following students also participated in the championship: Iurie Vrabie, Gheorghe Birsanu, Nicolae Cernei and Sanjoe Snaj Ponmany.
Congratulations to all performers and new resounding victories!
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